Life is for living

As a children's author I have hardly written a word this past week - other problems prevailed. But out of the blue came the following unbidden thoughts. they might be of interest/solace to some of my friends

There comes a time in life when there is far less left ahead than that which we have left behind.

What is done is over and cannot be changed. So, don’t let it burden the remainder of your living.

Smile, at least once in a while; it will lift your heart and lighten the lives of those around you.

It’s like that old saying ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you.’

But if you’re crying, everyone will avoid you, no one wants to know you.

When the sun is shining the world looks better, greener and brighter

But when it is obscured, the beauty does not disappear, it is still there.

Just be patient and it will return to light up your vision.

The number days ahead is indeterminate for all mankind, no matter how much wealth or poverty may be yours

Riches do not determine how well a life was lived, and poverty does not consign a life to failure.

A life well lived can swing from happiness to sadness at the toss of a coin.

That’s just the way life is for all of us.

A worthwhile life will have experienced mountainous swings between single days.

Pity the many who live in depression, the fog of which obscures any goodness in self or others.

That fog clouds every life at one time or another. You haven’t been selected to suffer.

Recovery depends on your inner strength of character and determination.

Dig deep, cherish every breath and every moment. You have it in you to enjoy what remains.

Smile at your neighbour. Be satisfied with your life. Love your surroundings. Thank God.

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