What Breaks Me, is what Makes Me

What Breaks Me, is what Makes Me

Some life lessons are meant to be learnt the hard way. You drown in misery, anxiety and loads of stress concerning questions about your own values and stand in life.

What I was living with, was much heavily dependant on the people I rely for every action or move I made. My inner peace was shattered, I queried my own discomforts, I understood my own values through harshness, I blamed others for what I was doing; this part of me was my favourite human.

My heart always quenched for peace – understanding unuttered words, longing for appreciation, relying heavily on emotions, and the slightest of comfort.

Until the realisation creeped in, for who I was, what I had become and most importantly why.

YES ! I was into the world of my own reality- a reality that I had constructed within my own surroundings. The load was broken, and I was freed - from the worries, tensions and outcomes, because I FACED THE TRUTH ! The entire process tore me apart, but left from within me, with a great message -  it made me more self-content, self-valued and relieved.

The destruction of my "self-contructed" reality was a treat to watch, as it made its way out, I finally let a breath of fresh air, into the life where I actually belonged.

From day one, its always about you. The centre focus need no more attention than just working on themselves, to built the stairways towards what they dreamt of and hope to see themselves there in the future. You are the best version of yourself and let no one rule over your identity or question you your values. You don’t need appreciations to be inspired, just silently do your work and the rest will follow.

It definitely takes time, and sometimes the hardest lessons give the most pain, but one comes brighter at the other end, where only one truth prevails – YOU!

I can vouch, it is not an easy journey of finding yourself, but never too late to start building yourself again from scratch.


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