Complex PTSD: 10 Holistic Steps to Tame Triggers, Outshine Anxiety, Transcend Trauma, and Live Your Best Life (Personal Growth & Transformation Book 1)

Complex PTSD: 10 Holistic Steps to Tame Triggers, Outshine Anxiety, Transcend Trauma, and Live Your Best Life (Personal Growth & Transformation Book 1)

Complex PTSD: 10 Holistic Steps to Tame Triggers, Outshine Anxiety, Transcend Trauma, and Live Your Best Life (Personal Growth & Transformation Book 1)


“Each page is a heartbeat, pulsating with compassion and validation. Dr. Lockhart sees a universe inside every survivor— the strength, struggle, and unwavering hope.”—Lex, mental health advocate & social media influencer.

Break free from complex PTSD and explore critical links between trauma, the brain, and the body. A carefully curated collection of scientific insights, best practices, and shared experiences, Dr. Lockhart radiates empathy and resilience. She illuminates a gentle path for trauma survivors, especially veterans and women.

Take charge of your recovery with well-researched modalities:
• Whole-body approaches to reclaim your true and amazing self
• Breathwork, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Self-Compassion
• Therapeutic Yoga and Somatic Experiencing
• Art, Nature, and Adventure Therapies
• Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
• Reintegration strategies for social & professional settings
• Neuroplasticity, Polyvagal Theory & the Vagus Nerve
• Life-affirming practices to cultivate positivity and optimism
• Knowing You are Never Alone

Start your transformation today to live your very best life.

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  • Michael Harrison
    Michael Harrison

    2 months ago

    I included PTSD in the second ARTU kid's book. ARTU, a rat living in 8th. Street subway station is concerned about a homeless guy living in the station and enlists 8-year-old CJ to help. The homeless guy turns out to be a VET with PTSD.