One For The Money - Murder In The Metroplex

One For The Money - Murder In The Metroplex

One For The Money - Murder In The Metroplex



Killers, kidnappers and Crooks - Oh My!
Bodies dropping. The truth and victims unearthed.

A Fort Worth cop fighting to become Detective.
The Chiefs son with no nepotism in sight.
Becoming a Private Investigator with an Angel Investor.

Money, Mayhem, and Muscle Cars and Murder in the Metroplex
Blake's inaugural case shows what he can do.

First client with a deceased husband's muscle car threatened
A head-on collision with evil. Not simply a case of auto theft or elderly fraud
The sinister plans of an ingenious madman stopped.

Solve the Murder Mystery with Ryan Hale's Blake Franklin Series

Language : English

Publisher : Ryan Hale Books

Publication Date : Feb 18, 2023


ISBN-13 : 979-8377944294

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  • kim parker
    kim parker

    1 month ago

    Hello Great author, how are you doing