A Crown Of Dandelions

A Crown Of Dandelions

A Crown Of Dandelions
A crown of dandelions, a child lost in the chase,
Sun sank low, casting shadows on her face.
Tears fell like rain, fear wrapped her in its hold,
When a figure emerged, a story yet untold.
Tall and cloaked, with eyes of endless night,
The Angel of Death bathed in the pale moonlight.
"Lost, little soul?" his voice a gentle breeze,
"Don't fret, child," he whispered, "
come, find comfort with ease."
Years turned to seasons, the girl by his side,
Witnessed life's tapestry, where joy and sorrow hide.
She saw souls depart, like leaves on the breeze,
Felt the weight of his burden, the weight on his knees.
He, the weaver of endings, the keeper of night,
His eyes held the stories, of every fading light.
Yet, a weariness settled, a yearning for rest,
A wish to relinquish, the mantle unblessed.
One starlit night, as they sat by the stream,
He placed a cold hand, in hers, a whispered dream.
"You've seen life's tapestry, in all its design,
The laughter and tears, the sorrow and shine."
"Your heart holds compassion, a light that won't dim,
Would you take my burden, and walk with him?"
A gasp escaped her, a question in her eyes,
To bridge two worlds, a gift, a heavy disguise.
He smiled, a flicker, a teardrop of grace,
"You'll walk in the shadows, a guardian in this space.
A guide for the lost, with a touch that's so kind,
The new Death you'll become, leaving worries behind."
Now, the girl walks both worlds, unseen by most,
A whisper of comfort, at life's final cost.
The old Death watches proudly, his spirit set free,
For in her gentle touch, true immortality.

© 2024 V. Montgomery Under an Aquarius Moon AT lulu.com & Amazon Facebook V. Montgomery
A.I. Art Shutterstock

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