"He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." ~ Proverbs 28:13

From self-discovery, to self-denial; bonds of procrastination to freedom of thought; to rediscovery. We all have doubts, as Christians, or otherwise, and what we most seek is clarity. What's most important is to never give up. My Confessional Letters is a collection of poems written over different periods of time, over a number of years, to date. The first of the My Confessional Letters poem, 'The First Letter: Dear Namakau' was penned in 2014, a confession of Smiley's feelings for this girl, which he never got to deliver. "The book is full of the confessions of what I should've done but never did, what I did but should never have, decisions and indecisions, experiences and what impact they've had on my life. Through this," Smiley says, "the aim is to draw lessons that incite change, in the reader, and me, because ministers not only speak to other people; to have a winning spirit, grow to trust the Lord God to overcome procrastination, that can greatly hinder one's progress in life. Mindset matters, happiness is an attitude, so is winning."

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