The Mystery of Love

  • Mary Mary

    | Tuesday 3rd of September 2024 07:48:34 AM (UTC)

The Mystery of Love

In twilight's hush where shadows blend,
The secret whispers never end,
A tale of hearts both young and old,
In realms of mystery, love unfolds.

A fleeting glance, a tender touch,
In silent moments, we feel so much,
Yet love, a puzzle, cloaked in night,
Dances just beyond our sight.

It hides in echoes, soft and clear,
In laughter shared and tender tear,
A tapestry of dreams entwined,
A riddle spun from threads of time.

Through every kiss and every sigh,
Beneath the stars that fill the sky,
Love weaves its patterns, subtle, deep,
A sacred dance where spirits leap.

It lives in moments left unsaid,
In whispered vows and silent dread,
In every beat, in every breath,
Love walks with us through life and death.

Its form is fleeting, like a breeze,
A touch of light among the trees,
A mystery we seek to find,
Yet always seems to be behind.

In quiet corners, it resides,
In open hearts where truth abides,
An endless quest, a timeless theme,
Love’s the puzzle and the dream.

So let us cherish every beat,
In mysteries that hearts repeat,
For in love’s enigma, vast and wide,
We find our truth, our guide, our pride.

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