





Book Trailers





cccccccccAuthor Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.Author Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.Author Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.Author Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.

Author Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.Author Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.Author Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.Author Interviews Description: Gain insights into the minds of your favorite authors. Our in-depth interviews reveal the inspiration, process, and journey behind their compelling works. Dive into the world of storytelling through the eyes of the creators themselves.

Cryptic Pines (Charlie Davis)

Allie stole her husband from the rebels, and now half the seer race wants her dead. Her husband, Revik, infamous “Sword,” and leader of the anti-human rebellion, freed millions when he destroyed the despised Registry system, destroying work camps and making him even more of a hero to his people.But Allie didn’t take Revik to stop his terrorism.She took him to save his mind and soul from the Dreng, the dark beings who control him.As for Revik himself, he turns into a feral animal once separated from his dark masters.She only has one shot to save him. Unfortunately, it means going into his past, and learning exactly what the Dreng did to break him.It also means re-earning his trust, a ne...
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Carve the Mark

Globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth delivers a breathtaking fantasy featuring an unusual friendship, an epic love story, and a galaxy-sweeping adventure.#1 New York Times bestseller * Wall Street Journal bestseller * USA Today bestseller * #1 IndieBound bestsellerPraise for Carve the Mark:“Roth skillfully weaves the careful world-building and intricate web of characters that distinguished Divergent.” —VOYA (starred review)“Roth offers a richly imagined, often brutal world of political intrigue and adventure, with a slow-burning romance at its core.” —ALA BooklistCyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth have grown up in enemy countries locked in a long-standing fight for...
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Cryptic Pines (Charlie Davis)

Charlie Davis, a troubled high schooler, has moved to the small town of Fairhaven Pines. He wants to settle into his new home, but terrifying nightmares make that impossible. In these nightmares, a mysterious woman begs him for help. After this woman is found dead, Charlie realizes he needs to bring her kidnappers to justice or be haunted by her ghost until he goes insane.


With the help of his friends, Charlie learns more about the ghost haunting him and the events leading to her death. With each new clue, the mystery grows darker and the threats become a lot more real. Will Charlie put this haunting to rest or will the darkness of loss consume him first?

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The Flight of Werner von Braun (Twilight of the Gods)

Nazi Germany rules from the western coastline of France to the Urals in Russia. Darkness has descended over the continent, with uncounted millions marched into extermination camps or forced to labour for the greater good of Nazi Germany, while Hitler and his followers reshape Europe to suit themselves. Old towns and cities are demolished so they can be rebuilt in the Nazi style, vast numbers of people are relocated to create room for German settlers, and freedom is a fading dream. There are eyes and ears everywhere, and none dare speak for fear of being disappeared …The Reich appears invincible. The German Army has bested all its foes, the German Air Force is deploying newer and better jet...
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In the Heat of the Moment: Bound by the Alpha

Princess Zaria Kozvork

When King Bikaan died, the vultures were at Princess Zaria’s door. The only way to save her kingdom and protect her people from a neighbouring tyrant king was to seek help from the Chieftain of Lygar.

Her problems go from bad to worse when the Chieftain imprisons her, claiming she is his ‘mate’.


Vołcov - Lygar Pack Alpha

Not wanting to embroil his pack between two kingdoms’ war, Vołcov ignored the Princess’s letter requesting assistance. When she comes seeking a meeting with him in person, he realises that not only is she an Omega, but his mate.

Her resistance is futile. She will be bound to him as the laws of nature dictate.

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The Ethereal Visionary: Awaken Your Astral Sight for Manifestation and Divine Guidance

Embark on a transformative journey with Swami Giriraj's "The Ethereal Visionary," where the mystical arts of astral sight open the door to profound spiritual experiences and the power of manifestation. This comprehensive guide takes you step-by-step through the process of awakening your third eye to explore the astral realm, enhance self-awareness, and harness your inner potential.In this book, you will discover:Fundamental Concepts: Understand the basics of the astral realm, its significance across various cultures, and its role in modern spirituality.Practical Techniques: Learn how to prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually to activate and enhance your astral sight through meditation...
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Life After Death: A Journey Beyond the Known

Explore the profound mysteries of the afterlife in Swami Giriraj's enlightening new work, "Life After Death: A Journey Beyond the Known." This compelling book delves into the diverse cultural, religious, philosophical, and scientific perspectives on what comes after death, offering a rich tapestry of beliefs that span from ancient civilizations to modern scientific theories.Swami Giriraj, a revered spiritual mentor guided by his deep connection with Goddess Kali, brings together a unique blend of wisdom from the world’s major religions, groundbreaking scientific research into consciousness, and his own spiritual insights to challenge and expand our understanding of the afterlife. Through t...
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Un conde solitario: Royals II (Spanish Edition)

Connor O'Brien, el conde de Killarney, siempre ha sido un hombre solitario. En su niñez no tuvo amigos y pasada su adolescencia tuvo que hacerse cargo de los negocios familiares, cuidar de sus arrendatarios y de su castillo, del que se siente tan orgulloso. No cambiaría de él ni una sola piedra, pero al parecer alguien tiene otros planes.Becca, ha vuelto al pueblo donde nació en Irlanda, después de muchos años. Tenía una carrera prometedora como decoradora de interiores en Londres, pero su madre enferma la necesita. Por suerte, la condesa viuda de Killarney le ha conseguido trabajo, redecorar el lúgubre castillo que su hijo parece mantener en la época medieval.Cuando Connor vuelve d...
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La loba de las Highlands (Spanish Edition)

Ayla McLeod lleva toda la vida enamorada de Lachlam McDonald. Está convencida de que su corazón le pertenece y que pronto será su mujer. Pero una noche infame, descubre que no solo no será su esposa, sino que va a casarse con otra. Rota de dolor, regresa a las tierras de su hermano junto con su fiel amigo Lobo, y se jura no perdonarlo jamás, sin importar cuántos años transcurran.Lachlam McDonald ha conseguido llevar la paz a su clan. Una paz frágil que piensa mantener a toda costa. Por eso, cuando el rey David le exige casarse con Ishbel Ross, no puede negarse. Su corazón pertenece a la intrépida Ayla McLeod, pero no puede ganarse al rey como enemigo. Sin opciones, se casa con Ishb...
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Seer Wars Season One: A New Earth (Part I): A Romantic Science Fantasy Saga

Back up. Down the ladder, sister.Her hands gripped the holes in the wall. “Am I a prisoner?”Surprise flickered over his face, a bare ripple.River got the sense the surprise was real.She also got the feeling people didn’t question him much.River Cleopatra Jones just finished a movie shoot as a stuntwoman in Hollywood, California, when she’s abducted by surly, uncommunicative space pirate, Valek Targen.After scaring her, blowing a hole through the middle of her ex-boyfriend, and unceremoniously knocking her out, he informs River that her “real” family hired him to bring her back. He also tells her they live in a different dimension, on a whole other version of Earth.River’s maybe...
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Shadow Seer: An Apocalyptic Psychic Warfare and Science Fantasy Romance (Bridge and Sword Book 4)

Allie stole her husband from the rebels, and now half the seer race wants her dead. Her husband, Revik, infamous “Sword,” and leader of the anti-human rebellion, freed millions when he destroyed the despised Registry system, destroying work camps and making him even more of a hero to his people.But Allie didn’t take Revik to stop his terrorism.She took him to save his mind and soul from the Dreng, the dark beings who control him.As for Revik himself, he turns into a feral animal once separated from his dark masters.She only has one shot to save him. Unfortunately, it means going into his past, and learning exactly what the Dreng did to break him.It also means re-earning his trust, a ne...
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A Journey Through Book Reviews111111111

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Exploring the Literary Landscape: A Journey Through Book Reviews

In the vast universe of literature, book reviews serve as guiding stars, illuminating the paths readers may tread as they navigate through a myriad of narratives. From the classics that have withstood the test of time to contemporary works that reflect the pulse of society, every book holds within its pages a world waiting to be discovered. In this article, we delve into the realm of book reviews, exploring their significance and the impact they have on both readers and writers alike.The Essence of Book ReviewsBook reviews are more than just critiques; they are reflections of the intricate relationship between author and reader, a dialogue that transcends the boundaries of time and space. At...

Crafting Compelling Characters: Advice for Authors

Creating memorable and engaging characters is the cornerstone of great storytelling. Whether you're penning a novel, a screenplay, or even a short story, characters drive the narrative forward and connect readers to your world. But how do you breathe life into characters that leap off the page and linger in readers' minds long after they've finished your story? Here are some invaluable tips to help you craft compelling characters that resonate with your audience.Know Your Characters Inside Out: Before you even start writing, take the time to fully understand your characters. What are their hopes, fears, and motivations? What do they love and what do they loathe? Delve into their backgrounds,...

Echoes of Eternity: Exploring the Cosmos Through Fiction

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there lies a tapestry of wonder, woven with the threads of imagination and curiosity. Fiction, in its myriad forms, has often been the vessel through which we embark on journeys beyond the confines of our reality, traversing galaxies, encountering extraterrestrial life, and contemplating the mysteries of existence itself.From the early works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells to the modern masterpieces of Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke, fiction has served as a gateway to the unknown, inviting us to ponder the possibilities of what lies beyond our comprehension. Through the lens of storytelling, we explore not only the outer reaches of space but also the inner...

Whispers of the Past: The Power of Storytelling in Preserving Culture and History

In the heart of every culture lies a treasure trove of stories — tales passed down from generation to generation, weaving a rich tapestry of history, tradition, and identity. These stories, whether whispered around a campfire, etched into ancient scrolls, or shared through modern mediums, serve as the threads that connect us to our past and guide us into the future.Throughout human history, storytelling has been the cornerstone of communication, education, and cultural preservation. Long before the written word, our ancestors relied on oral tradition to impart knowledge, transmit values, and preserve their collective experiences. From the epic poems of Homer to the creation myths of indige...

Embracing the Journey: Navigating the Writer's Life

In the competitive world of book publishing, gaining visibility can be challenging for indie and self-published authors. However, leveraging the right book promotion websites can significantly boost your book sales. These platforms not only increase your book's reach but also connect potential readers directly to purchase links. Here, we explore the top book promotion websites that can help you achieve these goals, along with the technologies they use to optimize book marketing.1. is an excellent platform for promoting Kindle books. This site allows authors to list their books along with purchase links, making it easier for readers to buy directly from Am...
  • pravin


    When you're working on a book and a new idea pops up, should you pursue it immediately (also known as 'UP syndrome') or finish your current project first? What do you think is the best course of action?
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  • pravin


    What inspired you to become a writer?
    I've always been captivated by the power of storytelling. Whether it was through books, movies, or even conversations, I realized early on that storytelling has a unique ability to connect people and evoke emotions. This fascination led me to pursue writing as a way to share my own stories and hopefully make an impact on others.
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